5 Mistakes To Avoid When Elopement Planning

Eloping gives you so much freedom! You can do whatever you’d like to do and nothing you don’t. But just because it’s super casual, doesn’t mean there aren’t any important things every couple needs to do and remember. Keep reading for the top 5 mistakes to avoid when you and your partner are elopement planning—so you can have the best day ever!


#1 Forgetting The Legal Stuff

Your elopement day is going to be fun and chill—but it’s also gonna be a legal ceremony. Also, we want it to happen legally, as in with you inadvertently breaking laws or and getting hit with fines. (So romantic!) So whatever you do, don’t forget to dot the I’s, cross the T’s, and address all the legal bits of the day. Think: licenses, permits, and fees.


If you’re going somewhere cool or unique for the ceremony OR for photos, you may need a special permit. Do some googling beforehand to make sure you’re all set to go. Places like museums, landmarks, gardens and parks will usually be happy to have you—but they may ask for a permit first. 

Typically this is just because they don’t want every couple and their dog on their grounds at once. And, sometimes there are safety reasons for limiting capacity or restricting certain areas. Better to have the permit than to be asked to leave your dream location!

Wedding License

If you’re planning to make it legal, we gotta get the government involved! Apply for your marriage license at some point within three months of your elopement day, so you know for sure it’ll be ready on your day.

Entrance Fees

Okay, so not exactly a legal issue but similar to the permits thing—if you want to go somewhere cool or unique, you’ll need to be let in. And sometimes to be let in, you have to pay the piper. Worth working entrance fees into your elopement planning well in advance, so you’re not hit with a surprise bill that takes you out of the moment on the day.

#2 Downplaying The Day

Some couples feel like their elopement day doesn’t “count” the same way a traditional wedding day does. THIS IS SO NOT TRUE! (Sorry, I get fired up about this.) Just because there won’t be anyone else in attendance, doesn’t mean it’s any less important or deserving of big celebrations!

Guys, remember. This is your wedding day! The day you commit your lives to each other. So don’t shrug off certain details or downplay the importance. You are allowed to want and plan for alllll the things you’ve ever dreamed of—no matter the size of your guest list and venue.
Still struggling with this? Need more real talk? I will happily assume the role of elopement planning hype girl.

#3 DIY-ing Your Photos

This ties back to mistake number two: downplaying. Your day is a BIG deal. It’s one I can 100% guarantee you’re going to want to remember forever. So why cut corners on documenting it?

A great elopement photographer is ALL IN on the elopement with you. They’ll help you plan (if you need), prepare (if you want), and they’ll capture the photos that will not only give you feels for decades to come but that will help your friends and family feel like they were there, too.

Things an elopement photographer does:

  • Get to know the two of you

  • Help you plan your your day

  • Provide personalized location ideas

  • Travel to & from the spot you choose

  • Create your custom elopement timeline

  • Capture your day from mimosas to last call

  • Deliver high-res digital images

  • Help you craft albums and select prints

...and literally so much more. 

Need someone to hold the phone while you Facetime mom? I’m your girl. Need me to fluff your dress, or hold it while you pee? You know what, I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. Consider me on the team for the day.

#4 Skipping Details & Traditions

I suuuper get that there are some awesome and fun traditions that happen at bigger weddings. And if you or your partner were even a little bit on the fence about where or not to elope, missing out on them might be one of the things that created some resistance. But, know that just like most things with elopement planning, it’s not an either/or situation. It’s both/and! As in you can have BOTH. You can elope AND plan all the details and traditions that you would have had at a big wedding.

Since this is your one and only wedding day, you have every reason to include all the little details and important traditions you love and care about. And you have full permission to make this day everything you want it to be. 

bride before her first look

Ways To Go All Out On Your Elopement Day:

  • Have a bouquet made with your favourite flowers

  • Host an epic post-elopement dance party

  • Play your song on a portable speaker and have your first dance under the stars beside a fire (or dance in the middle of your living room, in sweats!)

Related: How To Throw A Post-Elopement Party

#5 Planning Your Transportation 

Skipping this step in your elopement planning could quite literally leave you up sh*t creek without a paddle! So def plan to have some type of transportation ready and waiting for you. But also, know that it doesn't have to be a big show. If you’re staying closer to the city, even just deciding to Uber in advance is a great way to safely get around town!

bride and groom in whistler gondola

But beyond just having some transportation available, consider the type of transportation that will best suit your day. Do you need a four wheel drive car with all terrain tires to handle the rocky FSRs or is a two wheel drive car with all season tires enough? Heading to the mountains? Consider your footwear based on the aggressiveness of the hike!

Putting a little thought into this ahead of time will save you major time (and make sure everyone is safe and well) on your elopement day.

Cheers To You & Your Stunning Future Elopement Photos!

Can I be real for a sec? You made the decision to have your wedding your way. You’re planning the elopement. You’ve come this far making decisions that make you truly happy and center your love story—instead of anyone else’s wants, needs, and expectations. Why stop here? Elopement day photos are just one more thing you do to put you, your story, and the things that matter most first.

I have full-day BC elopement photography packages so when you’re ready to learn more, click the button below and we’ll set up a time to chat all about YOU and what you want out of this day.


Richmond Lavender Farm Engagement Photos


Emily + Ben’s Campbell Valley Park Engagement